SPB Sections

  • Our Services

    - by GB

    Our Services

    WP Site

    $33 / month

    Our shared-server hosting platform is ideal for small to medium sized businesses needing feature-rich WordPress hosting, with solid security and responsive tech support.

    WP Server

    from $95 / month

    For WooCommerce, LMS, Membership and other business-critical applications, choose the ultimate in performance and security: a fully managed WP Server.

    WP Studio

    $25 / month / site

    If you’re hosting client sites, our rock-solid shared-server hosting platform is available in reseller configuration, making it easy to manage 5 or 155 sites.

    WP Valet

    from $350 / month

    Our complete maintenance and support package. WP NET is your remote web team, managing all hosting, maintenance and development. Price on application.

    WP Expert

    $85 / hour

    Our full-stack development team have extensive experience with all aspects of WordPress development and technical support.

    Domain Registration

    from $40 / year

    You can register or transfer domains to WP NET, and we provide comprehensive DNS management with free domain and email forwarding.

    Amazon Web Services


    With an edge location now in Auckland New Zealand, there’s never been a better time to accelerate your WordPress sites with AWS.

    Send a Message

    Send us a message and we’ll be in touch ASAP!

    Contact Us

  • Feature Tour

    - by GB

    Comparing us to other WordPress hosts?

    Check for these features – how do they stack up?

    Automatic Security Updates

    Utilising the industry-leading PatchStack vulnerability database, as security fixes for WordPress plugins and themes are released – they’re automatically installed on all your WordPress sites.

    Malware & Virus Scanning

    We use industry-standard scanners and detection software to regularly scan all sites for malware, viruses and other threats.

    WP Core Integrity Scans

    We regularly scan WordPress core for any changed or extraneous files. If suspicious changes are detected, our WP Experts investigate and restore everything back to how it should be.

    WP Login Brute-force Protection

    We use the excellent Fail2Ban security software to detect brute-force login attempts to your WP Login page. Offending IP addresses are blocked at the firewall to protect your sites and conserve server resources.

    Multiple Backups

    In addition to 7 days of complete backups with instant restore in the Plesk Panel, we also create extra backups of all databases, encrypt them and store them off-server in secure cloud storage for 30 days.

    WP Expert Developer Support

    Our technical support team are are highly skilled developers with many years experience working with WordPress. We don’t host other CMS’s, so you can be sure we’re laser-focussed and up-to-date on all the latest developments in the WordPress ecosystem.

    Remote SMTP

    We don’t burden our web servers with out-going mail services (SMTP). Instead, we use the superb MailGun SMTP service to send email from your WordPress sites, reducing server resource usage and improving reliability.

    No Email Hosting or DNS

    We don’t host email and we don’t run local DNS on our web servers either. If it doesn’t make WordPress run fast and secure… we don’t use it.

    Low Site Count Per Server

    We limit the number of WordPress installations per server to 100 or less. Many other hosts will cram hundreds, or even thousands of sites onto a single server! We don’t do that, and we never will.

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